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The Three-Day Foundation Training Course is the most comprehensive Rock and Water experience. The training consists of 24 taught hours, including four hours learning the philosophy and theory, and 20 hours learning many games, exercises and best practice strategies in order to deliver the Rock and Water Programme.
The hardcover training manual is provided with this course which includes 175 exercises in 24 lesson plans of approximately 90 minutes each or 48 lesson plans of approximately 50 minutes each lesson. A USB flash drive is also included which contains video scenarios relating to themes relevant to the PSHE and RSE curriculum such as consent, social media, respect, bullying, safety and sexuality.
After training, the programme can be implemented immediately as described in the manual with great effect, though teachers and practitioners are encouraged to shape their delivery to best suit the needs of their young people and focus upon specific outcomes (e.g. social skills, bullying, class cohesion, anti-violence, confidence development, goal setting) or to cover all of these over time.
"I have run the program in so many varied ways it is incredible from a universal approach with whole classes to targeted small groups of young people with high needs." - Paul Edwards, Phd RN MA Mental Health Professional
On completion of the Three-Day Rock and Water course, you can then deliver the programme - within schools or organisations to students, parents or clients. However, it does not entitle you to train other service professionals.
A recommended and cost-effective approach towards whole-school implementation is to send two staff members to complete the three-day training in order to support one another in its implementation. Followed by a One-Day Introductory Workshop at your school or organisation for all staff to experience and best support the embedding of the programme.
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