Developing the Social & Emotional Skills
of Young People
Primary & Secondary Education, Youth/Social Care, Mental Health & Youth Justice
Greater self-awareness, increased self-confidence and social functioning
Unique psychophysical teaching approach
See teachers and other professionals being trained below...
Now over 70,000 teachers and professionals trained
Delivered in more than 25 countries
With more than 2.5 million participants
Universally effective and taught within schools, youth justice settings, psychiatric hospitals, and youth residential care
Evidence-based on research​
Wherever Rock and Water is taught, boys and girls become more confident, protective and able to express themselves in a crisis. Bullying and assaults are significantly reduced. The program teaches them to actively prevent violence, deal with conflict and how to intervene appropriately to protect others from bullying.
Steve Biddulph - Best selling author of 'New Manhood', 'Raising Boys', and 'Raising Girls'
I wholly support and endorse the Rock and Water program as a powerful tool for developing self awareness, resilience and emotional well being in our children and adolescents today.
Dr Arne Rubinstein
Best selling author of ‘The Making of Men’
I have run the program in so many varied ways it is incredible from a universal approach with whole classes to targeted small groups of students with high needs.
Paul Edwards - Phd, RN MA Mental Health, Thesis 'Addressing Engagement, Anger and Aggression through the Rock Water Program'
The training was hugely beneficial both as personal staff development as well as for teaching strategies. All staff received it very well and came away with a wealth of ideas to implement straight away into their classroom. Pupils have engaged very positively in the lessons and are so enthusiastic about it.
Carol Irvine - Headteacher, Aberdeenshire Scotland
The inspirational program Rock and Water has made a considerable difference to our school climate. A number of my teachers attended the training and we have applied the techniques to solve some significant issues we had with ‘difficult boys’. I highly commend this training which targets not only anger and dealing with difficult and complex issues but also emotional intelligence and self esteem in boys. Fantastic!
Veronica Sutton - Associate Principal